We are hearing a lot more about eating disorders these days, and much of what we learn on the subject comes via celebrity news stories and popular media. So how can we know if what we hear is true? Keep reading, because below you will find the top ten things that everyone should know about eating disorders. Some of the information derives from my book, 100 Questions and Answers about Anorexia Nervosa.
1. Eating disorders are both medical and psychiatric illnesses.
Many times eating disorders are mistaken for being “lifestyle choices” or ways of “getting attention,” but that is not the true nature of eating disorders (EDs). EDs are recognized illnesses and are associated with serious and often devastating medical, psychological, cognitive, social, and relational consequences, most of which a person would never wish to experience. While some people with EDs may report certain “benefits” that result from their illness, most people would chose another way of attaining those benefits if they could.
2. You cannot spot people with an eating disorder just by looking at them.
Many people with EDs are actually of a normal weight, which is one reason EDs can remain hidden for so long. True, people with anorexia nervosa are underweight, but even then one might wear bagging clothing in an attempt to hide their weight loss and ED from others. Overweight people can often disguise having an ED as well, and many people may just assume that someone “put on a few pounds,” never suspecting that an eating disorder is the reason behind weight gain.
On the flip side, it is important to note that just because someone is very thin or very heavy, that doesn’t mean an eating disorder is to blame. Some people are naturally thin and some are naturally heavy-set, so looking at a person from the outside and making judgments based on their appearance is often not an accurate way of determining the existence of an eating disorder.
3. Eating disorders should not be ignored or taken lightly.
Sometimes people assume that EDs are “just a phase,” assuming the symptoms will just go away on their own. Although some people do recover on their own without seeking treatment, those cases are not typical. As mentioned above, EDs are not lifestyle choices, they are serious illnesses and they need to be treated. When left untreated, EDs can cause physical damage to the body and may even lead to death.
4. Eating too much or too little may be a core symptom of an eating disorder, but eating disorders are about far more than food and weight. Therefore, eating or lack of eating is not the main problem.
Food behaviors such as overeating, binging, fasting, and even purging (self-induced vomiting, laxative abuse, excessive exercise) are symptoms of these illnesses. However EDs are often about far more than food. EDs can sometimes be a signal for underlying issues. For some, EDs can be a means of coping with intense stress, sometimes EDs are triggered by a traumatic event, and for some people, EDs may serve as a complex distraction from other painful, seemingly unmanageable feelings or events. Sometimes EDs co-occur with other illnesses, such as anxiety and depression.
5. Eating disorders affect people of all ages, races, and backgrounds.
Eating disorders have been reported in people as young as 8 and as old as 80 (click here to read the story of a 48 year-old-women with anorexia nervosa). And contrary to popular belief, men have EDs too. In fact, men are being diagnosed with EDs at rapidly increasing rates. Although men make up only 10-15% of all cases of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, approximately 50% of people with binge eating disorder are male. Cross-cultural studies show that EDs affect people of every racial and ethnic background. So it’s not just white females who suffer from EDs – they are an “equal opportunity destroyer.”
6. Eating disorders have biological and genetic components.
Scientific studies show that some people may have a genetic predisposition for developing an eating disorder, with some research indicating a genetic influence of up to 50 percent. Multiple genetic influences, rather than just one specific gene, combine with environmental and other factors to form an overall level of risk for developing an ED. Neuro-imaging and other research scientific studies have shown that brain chemistry, digestive hormones, and even prenatal conditions may contribute to eating disorders risk.
The message here is that EDs are complex illnesses. There is no single cause, but rather multiple factors (such as biological, genetic, social, cultural, familial, relational, developmental, and psychological factors) combine to form one’s overall risk of developing an eating disorder.
7. Culture does have an influence on the prevalence of eating disorders.
Studies show that EDs are most prevalent in industrialized countries where dieting and the pursuit of thinness are the accepted norm. In contrast, non-Western countries report lower rates of eating disorders. Researchers are finding that with globalization and Western influence come the desire to emulate Western ideals, including ideals of thinness that relate to appearance and attractiveness.
8. People can have more than one eating disorder over time.
For example, more than 0ne-third of people with anorexia nervosa will go on to have bulimia nervosa. People who have had bulimia nervosa may have binge eating disorder that either preceded or follows their bulimia. This is another reason why treatment for EDs is so important. Treating the underlying issues allows for greater healing than just the reduction of food and weight related symptoms.
9. Someone with an eating disorder may seem to “have it all together” but the ED will still take its toll.
Sometimes people tell me that they hesitate to intervene in the life of someone with an ED because “it would disrupt everything else” (school, career, etc.), but EDs are the true culprit when it comes to disruption. Often people with EDs spend an unusually large amount of time thinking about food, their weight, or their appearance, and they often spend a great deal of time engaged in eating disordered behaviors. Intervention and treatment can help restore balance in a person’s life. What may seem like a temporary disruption due to time in treatment may actually be the key to get a person’s life back on track.
10. People with eating disorders need support.
Eating disorders are very isolating illnesses. Both the shame and embarrassment experienced, as well as the often secretive nature of the behaviors involved with EDs lead to ever-increasing alienation. So if you know someone whom you suspect has an eating disorder, reach out to them with care and love. It may be that your gestures go unnoticed, or are even rejected for a time, however people with EDs often have struggles with self-esteem and with feeling accepted, so over time, your support will be very important.
In addition, it may surprise you to know that very few people with EDs ever get the treatment they need. As few as 30% of people with EDs ever receive treatment for their illness, and in some communities that number is below 10%. Encouraging someone to get help is far more important than most people may realize. Eating disorders are treatable and most people who are treated do recover, but people need to receive the help that is available.
Families and loved ones are often affected by eating disorders as well because the associated behaviors can take a toll on caregivers. If you are a loved one of someone with an ED, don’t hesitate to get support for yourself as well.
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You can read about other food, diet, and exercise myths in my book 100 Questions and Answers about Anorexia Nervosa.